Needless to say, I am sure he is the object of temptation every day. That said, I smell his underwear before I put them in the wash, as I am a hound dog when it comes to smell, besides, I love his scent. Also, I found by accident, of course, a condom pack of three with one missing in his glove compartment, all because he's was too damn cheap to pelt it in the garbage and this will cost him dearly.
Do I make him any wiser, absolutely not, cause as far as I am concerned, when I start to horn myself with another woman's man, he will not have a leg to stand on.
Personally, I don't mind white liver cardboard man to go fishing, just don't get emotionally involved with the catch.
Women will not get it in their thick skulls that men do not want to be smothered, controlled or pressured! Bloody hell which person likes to be ‘put down’ or disparaged.
Try supporting and 'bigging him up' for a change....instead of sending his manhood down to the south pole for a hole to plug. Is this situation cause for pause, you betcha you, for as funny this scenario maybe, think about it; if a cardboard cutout man can stray, then what makes you think that you have an eternal hold on that cripple that you felt sorry for and thought that he would never leave you.
So long story short, out of the blue, my cardboard cutout man, says, 'let's do a thing and make you a decent woman or something to that effect'.
Nonetheless, I was so shocked that I had him called his BFF and my BFF to make sure that I was not having a stroke. Mark you, I had not said yes as yet, I did not stop to even understand his question. All I know, was that before he had time to change his mind, it was me hauling his claawt half-naked down at the crack of dawn to open the doors of City Hall. Got goat and liquor?
It's not every day that a girl gets a man to jump out of his skin...Break me bad and drive me!!!