What’s the disconnect here, you've amassed these massive amounts of student debt and now you cannot find a job in your field of studies at best, and at worst, one that pays enough to prevent you from starving to death.
Here is the thing, gone are the days when getting a shoe in by doing unpaid internships. Gone are the days when you could rattle off or bullshit your way into a job. Back in the days, I knew people who convinced potential employers with confidence that they were competent to do the job.
Suffice to say, after the interview was over and the minute the right foot touched the pavement, it was onward to burning the candle on both ends, nothing wrong with that, as long as one was capable of pulling it off, a situation of circumstances of form over substance.
Unfortunately, we are in an era of substance over form, hence, corporate America have long awaited for an opportunity like the financial crisis to justify cutting fat, and this is decoded as not planning on adding dead weight to the bottom-line anytime soon, consequently, this is not a fad diet, it’s a permanent no fat, no sweets diet. Companies have now learnt how to squeeze more productivity using less workers.
Listen, the big lie about college is that most graduates today are ill prepared to meet the needs of globalization and the new frontiers of technology, thus, what is needed is a paradigm shift of an outdated, out-moded and antiquated educational system, to one that’s built on a modern hybrid between college and state of the art vocational schools.
Needless to say, there is no longer a place for Dorothy from Kansas; the yellow brick road now leads to the East and not the West. Honestly, people are scam into thinking that getting a college education is the silver bullet, but the reality is that going to college is a numbers game, that said, college is not for everyone, and to that end, it’s a zero sum game. Which begs the question, who is sleeping at the switch when the monkey keeps dancing on its head, signaling that both people and country are being left behind.
If you think about it, colleges are meant for one to read and to write for the piece of paper handed out on the day of graduation. In this digital age, the Internet is the classroom and being self-taught is becoming the order of the day. Don’t tell me that if one has the discipline to spend hours on end playing games on Facebook, that one does not have the time to educate oneself, where is the esurient for knowledge on behalf of betterment.
Ultimately, majority of college students are forced fed with stuff that is of no use to them, they are clueless when it comes to problem solving and critical thinking skills which are really the bread and butter of liberal and Ivy league colleges, so where does that leave graduates from the umpteen other B, C, D, tier and fly by night colleges.? Let’s face the naked truism, do you really need a degree in marketing to be in marketing when all that is needed is knowledge of psychology, the ability to interpret numbers and common sense.
A degree in accounting and finance gets you where, it does not fulfill the requirements to sit for the Certified Public Accountants(CPA) examination and forget about a job in Investment Banking as these jobs are labeled high finance and the rest are just menial tasks creating spreadsheets and copying budget forecasts.
Come on, are we in purgatory here, who goes to college to study business administration, it’s not a clearly define skill or specialization, such as Accounting, High Finance, and Human Resources. Maintaining the status quo of I went to college but I am unemployable is an un-affordable luxury, the truth is hard to swallow, but the fact of the matter, is not that there are no jobs, but the painstaking actuality is that there are no qualified graduates to fill them.
In other words, there exists a mismatch between desired skill sets to job openings, a can the American dysfunctional government keeps kicking down the road while the tail wags the dog.
Nonetheless, a perpetuating problem that should have been addressed by college campuses, starting twenty years ago, when the advancement of technology began its geometric growth, now at its exponential growth.
Sadly, college graduates are stuck in an educational system that is still pacing with curricula at an arithmetic rate.